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Yemi Mabiaku,World Literutaure 3rd mini-Mester



Erin Jade Lange

Book summary 

The book "Butter" is a fiction written by the author, Erin Lange. This book tells the story of a teen in Scottsdale Arizona who attends Scottsdale high school."Butter " is the name of the main character He is a extremely  overweight boy who has little to now friends. Butter is his nick name he gained from people around him for being obese. Butter was not necessarily being bullied but is ignored by all the kids at his school. he doesn't have any friends and beats himself up about being fat. He wants to loose his wait more than anything but cant. Because he loves eating when he is stressed or depressed.Butter also loves to play the saxophone which is what he does with most of his time. The one "friend" butter has is this girl he meet over social media using a fake account. butter talks to this girl, Anna,  every day but has never spoken to her in person, nor does she know who butter actually is. To make this situation worse this girl is in butters literature class, and butter sees her every day.


     To make Butter's life even worse in school he was voted most likely to die of a heart attack. After this butter created an online blog where he posted that he has made the decision to commit suicide by over eating himself to death. Instead of the people at the school to help butter come out of his depression , they encouraged him and cheered him on to do it. Butter did not hate this because it was the only time he felt like he was noticed in his life, but in this case it was for the wrong reason. Butters relationship with Anna continues ,but Anna is very eager to meet butter and Butter finally agrees to meet with her. Butter was not actually going to meet her he planned to kill himself be fore she found out who he really was. Before the book ends butters father who resented him for years talks to him and bonds with butter. Butter also meets Anna and decides to become friends with her. Butter Finally feels accepted and does not go through his suicide plan. We also find out Butters true name which was never known before which is Marshall,and Marshall continues his life with his new friend Anna.

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The themes of this book consist of depression, loneliness, acceptance, and growth. In the beginning of the book Butter is lonely and has no friends what so ever and doesn't know what to do with his life. Butter deals with his loneliness by eating and playing his saxophone which are the only things he feels he is good at. Butter becomes depressed because of his loneliness. Later on in the book Butters father finally speaks to him and he finally  meets Anna. This gives Butter a feeling of acceptance and gives him a reason not to go through with his suicide.The process of Butters feelings of depression to acceptance show the theme of growth through out the book.


In this book there are many forms of conflict. One of the biggest Examples of conflict is the conflict between Butter and himself. Most of the book Butter is the main one judging and ridiculing himself. He beats himself up about how he is over weight even though the people around him don't seem to care. Another form of conflict is the disappointment Butters father shows toward him. His father has stopped speaking to him and Butter feels as if he doesn't love him any more. Another form of conflict is the guilt Butters mom has for him because she feels she is the reason for Butter's obiesty


Butter is a 423 pound high school student who attends scottsdale high school. Butter is very lonely and loves to play the clairnet which he is very good at. Butter is also very sarcastic and humerous despite the fact he is going through a hard time. There has been many times where Butter jokes about situations that are concidered bad or depressing. 

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